Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hello Kitty limited edition ATM/Debit Card

To all Hello Kitty Fans,

Have you grab this yet???If you have not...quickly run to your nearest Hong Leong Bank tomorrow and grab this Debit card home!!It is a limited edition Hello Kitty Debit Card by Hong Leong Bank.

Early Birds do stand a chance get some Hello Kitty merchandise with a certain amount of deposit.

After all, you still saving your money into the why not put more and get some of these merchandises home!

What you need to do in order to apply for this card:

JUst go to the nearest Hong Leong Bank and open a Hong Leong SAvings Account.

Then get the First limited edition card. *For existing account, u may upgrade your card to the Hello Kitty Debit Card as well -terms & conditions apply-*

~well, from my own experience to open a new account + to get this card,the whole process to me around 30 minutes~ It is so simple & easy! By the way,they do charge for the card but just RM8.

Anyway you also stand a chance to win this Hello Kitty Car!! *terms & conditions apply*

For more information..Please refer to the Hong Leong Bank's website at

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